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Meet the funder – The National Lottery Heritage Fund

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Event Date
September 5, 2023 @ 2:00 pm

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A member of the Engagement team at The National Lottery Heritage Fund will be talking about the different grant strands, including different levels of funding, heritage outcomes, and type of heritage projects that they fund.

Please bring in your questions, heritage themes, or topics, if you wish to discuss how you can turn your idea into an application.
Suitable for: Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior Management, Staff

* This session will be held online on Zoom. An online link will be sent to you upon booking. Tickets are open to third sector organisations in Dumfries and Galloway. Limited tickets are available, so please only book if you are sure to attend.

Events Details
Date :
05 September 2023
Time :
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Categories :
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