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Discover events in Dumfries & Galloway – South West Scotland

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Meet the funder – Foundation Scotland

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Event Date
September 27, 2023 @ 2:00 pm

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Foundation Scotland work alongside a range of different donors to provide funds for both communities of interest and communities of place.

In the South of Scotland, they help support communities with community benefit funds associated with windfarms – but also support funds that groups from anywhere in Scotland can apply to. In this session, they will talk about both.

Suitable for: Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior Management, Staff

* This session will be held online on Zoom. An online link will be sent to you upon booking. Tickets are open to third sector organisations in Dumfries and Galloway. Limited tickets are available, so please only book if you are sure to attend.

Events Details
Date :
27 September 2023
Time :
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Cost :
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