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The Freedom Machine (U) + Cycling Dumfries at the RBC Film Theatre

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Event Date
July 22, 2023 @ 7:30 pm

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Susan B Anthony famously called the bicycle a freedom machine, an opportunity for emancipation and independence. The Freedom Machine interrogates what freedom truly looks like for women cyclists. Using archival footage from archives across the UK, Scottish film curator Jo Reid shows how women used the bicycle to find freedom on the road, and beyond.

We are delighted that Sally Hinchcliffe from Cycling Dumfries will join us to lead a post-film discussion. Cycling Dumfries is the campaign to improve cycling conditions in Dumfries and the surrounding area.

Events Details
Date :
22 July 2023
Time :
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Cost :
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Venue Details
Robert Burns Centre Film Theatre, Mill Road
Dumfries, DG2 7BE United Kingdom