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Glencaple/Caerlaverock Walk and Talk Exploring the Coast

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Event Date
December 13, 2023 @ 12:00 pm

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Help us shape the future of the 200 mile Solway Coast from Stranraer’s Loch Ryan to Gretna. Join us for a coastal walk and workshop.

Join our expert, Dr Larry Griffin, goose and swan ecologist specialising in tracking their migratory cycles and life histories, for a walk at the Caerlaverock Estate. Learn about the habitats the Estate has created to increase Climate Resilience for species on the edge which are facing coastal squeeze under sea level rise, rarities such as Tadpole Shrimps and Natterjack Toads, but also waders and wildfowl species that would lose coast roost sites and feeding areas. Larry will be joined by Morag Walker of the Solway Firth Partnership who will share her knowledge with us.

As part of the ambitious Solway Coast and Marine Project (SCAMP) we would love to explore how we as local people and businesses, could benefit from investment in ‘natural capital’.. the unique habitats, sea and landscape along the Solway.

Future Visions Playtime

After the walk it is back indoors to Barbour Memorial Hall for a hot soup and a heat up; where we will talk, dream and share ideas about future options for our coast and marine environment.

What we’ll talk about:

  • What a healthy coast means to you
  • What you want for the future
  • What investment in the coast could mean for work, skills and business
  • How we might develop the coast with an eye on its long term care
  • What we risk for the next generation if we don’t act now

Please join us. Have your say. Shape the future.

Brought to you by Dumfries & Galloway Council Environment Team and the Solway Firth Partnership.

This project is supported by NatureScot in collaboration with the Scottish Government and in partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

Events Details
Date :
13 December 2023
Time :
12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
More Info:
Venue Details
Caerlaverock Castle Corner Car Park, Shore Road
Caerlaverock, Glencaple, Dumfries, Dumfries and Galloway DG1 4RU United Kingdom