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Put a Spring in Your Step at Mersehead (guided walk)

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Event Date
March 29 @ 11:00 am

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Spring is in the air, and the ground, and water! It is all around and if not yet awake, just beginning to show signs. Walk with our guide and get to see, hear and smell nature as it springs into life. With bird songs, wildflowers and early pollinating insects alongside winter visitors like ducks and Barnacle Geese.

Additional car parking charges apply to non-RSPB members. Children must be accompanied by adults (not suitable for early years).

Please note, as the reserve location is prone to flooding, we ask that all individuals/groups attending provide a telephone number, so we can notify you in advance if the event is cancelled.

Events Details
Date :
29 March 2024
Time :
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Cost :
£3.25 – £6.75
More Info:
Venue Details
RSPB Mersehead, Southwick
Dumfries, DG2 8AH