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Lobster Pot Luck – A day of ocean plastic exploration

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Event Date
March 9 @ 10:00 am

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Have you ever wondered where our ocean plastics originate, how far they travel, or pondered how we might put them to use and reuse? Did you know that along the Solway, plenty of creel parts are washed up that our local small boat fishermen can reuse if we join the dots together.

The Lobster Pot Luck is a day of activities exploring ocean plastics and celebrating the invaluable work of volunteer beach cleaners. We’ll hear from a creel fisherman about life on the waves before he serves you up with a warming seafood chowder made from his catch. (Vegetarian option also available). After lunch, you’re invited to make art from ocean plastics or try your hand at imagining stories about their uses, before we gather round to watch a film about the sea and explore our relationship with our beautiful Solway.

This is a FREE event but booking is essential.
Free minibus transport will be available from Stranraer, Glenluce, Port William and Kirkcudbright.
Please select transport requirements and dietary requirements in the booking form and we will email particpants with pick up points when we have numbers.
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Events Details
Date :
09 March 2024
Time :
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
More Info:
Venue Details
Whithorn Community Centre, Castlehill
Whithorn, DG8 8PN United Kingdom