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How to write a successful funding application

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Event Date
April 30 @ 1:30 pm

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Writing a funding application can be time consuming; this session will focus on knowing how to prepare effectively for writing a proposal, being confident deciding whether or not to bid, be aware of writing in an appropriate and effective style and understand what makes a successful application.

This session is aimed at Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior Management and Third Sector Organisation Staff Members.

* This session will be held online on Zoom. An online link will be sent to you upon booking. Tickets are open to third sector organisations in Dumfries and Galloway. Limited tickets are available, so please only book if you are sure to attend. If you book and you are not from an organisation in Dumfries and Galloway, your order will be deleted. If you do not attend and do not let us know in advance, your opportunity to access future training may be impacted.

Events Details
Date :
30 April 2024
Time :
1:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Cost :
More Info:
Venue Details