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Galloway Crab Apples – A year of discovery

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Event Date
January 28 @ 7:30 pm
Virtual Event Virtual Event

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What is the difference between our native Crab Apples and imported varieties? Where does the apple we see on the shelf originate from? Why is Galloway being seen as a bastion of ‘pure’ native apples?

For 1,000 years or so, the native crab apple (Malus Sylvestris) has shared these islands with imported varieties (Malus Domestica), with individual trees having a tendency to hybridise between the varieties. South West Scotland is getting a name for itself as a bastion of remaining ‘pure’ crab apple tree survivors, with a number of suggestions of why this is.

This fascinating online event will look back over time, giving a snapshot about how apples in the UK have evolved over the centuries to what we see and know today. Bringing things right up to date, through 2024, 110 Crab Apple samples were compiled from across Dumfries & Galloway, with an army of citizen scientists gathering leaf samples from Wigtownshire to Eskdalemuir. These were all submitted to the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh (RGBE) for DNA testing, identifying the ‘pure’ Crab Apple trees and the trees with significant Malus Domestica genetics.
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This event will include a presentation from RGBE’s Markus Ruhsam on global apple distribution, the history of what we see see across the UK, and how we can DNA test a crab apple’s genetic make up.

Local Crab Apple superstar Jools Cox will talk about our most recent batch of 110 results, the people who are propagating and the various methods being used. Jools will also discuss our seedling trees and their placement and potential for further education/engagement on the importance of our pure crab apples.

This event forms part of the programme of winter talks being delivered by Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands, using funds from The National Lottery Heritage Fund. Dumfries & Galloway Woodlands (SCIO 052525) is a new membership organisation supporting trees, woodlands and the people that depend upon them in the region. Partners include Dumfries & Galloway Council, Borders Forest Trust, Woodland Trust Scotland and Scottish Forestry. For more information, visit

Events Details
Date :
28 January 2025
Time :
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
More Info:
Venue Details