12:00 – 12:30 & 16:00 to 16:30 VISUAL POETRY – KROOVAN WINGS
Kroovan Wings is a homage to trees. Gaelic craobh (pronounced kroov) means ‘tree’. It is a celebration of two magnificent trees in particular that stand at the gateway to the Galloway Forest Park and at a meeting point on the Southern Upland Way below Culmark Hill. This is a performance project that uses dance, song, costume and storytelling to discuss what it is to be a tree.
Near where Oceanallover has its studio on the edge of the Galloway Forest Park there are two trees, an ash and a sycamore; both trees produce seeds that have wings (Samara fruit). The trees are growing one on either side of the road to St John’s Town of Dalry and alongside the Southern Upland Way. Both trees are about two hundred and fifty years old and stand alone and together, surrounded by upland grazing. This project is both about and for these trees.
About the performers:
Alex Rigg has been making live events since 1982. These have taken a number of forms and been shown in several different countries. If there is a common thread to the style and content of these events then it must be a strong need to push boundaries around, to set foot on unknown soil and generally to play with our concepts of art outside its accepted form. He trained as an archaeological illustrator, drystone dyker, blacksmith, fine-artist, dancer, timber-framer and costume maker/designer. His performance work, has been shown in many countries and to many kinds of people. His approach is off-beat and either enigmatic or impenetrable…… decide for yourself.
X: @hes21
Instagram: @oceanallover