Discover events in Dumfries & Galloway – South West Scotland

Canva – a free design tool for the third sector


An introductory/beginner's tour to the design tool that offers a free pro account for qualifying third sector organisations and opens the door to a world of opportunities to easily create […]


Canva – a free design tool for the third sector


An introductory/beginner's tour to the design tool that offers a free pro account for qualifying third sector organisations and opens the door to a world of opportunities to easily create […]


How to write a successful funding application


Writing a funding application can be time consuming; this session will focus on knowing how to prepare effectively for writing a proposal, being confident deciding whether or not to bid, […]


Meet the Funder – National Lottery Heritage Fund


Please be aware that there are limited tickets available for this session. Please only book if you plan to attend. If you can no longer attend, please let us know. If you do not attend and have not notified us, it could put your future attendance at our events at risk.


Effective business planning in the third sector

All charities should focus resources towards effective business planning. This session will focus on the key steps to follow to develop a business plan. Looking at governance and activity planning, you will develop the knowledge needed to effectively business plan for the future. Suitable for: Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior Management * This session will be […]


Setting outcomes and indicators


Evaluation is all about measuring your impact; setting meaningful and proportionate outcomes and indicators plays an important part in the evaluation journey. This session will take you through the process […]


Recruiting trustees


As part of good governance, third sector organisations usually need to recruit new trustees on a regular basis. This session looks at why having a good recruitment process with clear […]


Organisational sustainability and succession


Focussing on sustainability and succession will ensure that your organisation is prepared for the future. Sustainability covers need and demand​, people​, materials​, finance​, strategic (governance) planning​ and project (activity) planning. Succession planning should include beneficiaries, members of your governing body​, office bearers, members of your organisation and staff​. This session will assist you in developing […]


The value of storytelling in the third sector


Successful storytelling can transform case studies demonstrating how your organisation makes a difference and helping to raise awareness about your work and showcase your impact to service users, external partners, and funders. We will look at what should be included and how to consider and start to construct the content. This session is aimed at […]


Financial management for the third sector


Financial Management is an important aspect of good governance. Developed specifically for the non-financially minded​, this session will address some common misconceptions about responsibility, identify who is responsible​ and highlights the questions you should be asking​. You will also be provided with an overview of the documents typically used. Suitable for: Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior […]


Evaluating your impact


Evaluation is all about measuring your impact. Designing your evaluation methods and sharing your learning are important parts of the evaluation cycle. This session will take you through the process of choosing creative ways to engage with your beneficiaries and explain the difference your work makes. Suitable for: Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior Management * This […]


Understanding your role as office bearer


The role of officer bearer carries certain responsibilities over and above that of a trustee. This session will help you identify if your constitution requires office bearers and will focus on the role of Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary and understanding the responsibilities that these roles command. Suitable for: Trustees, Office Bearers, Senior Management * This […]
