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Discover events in Dumfries & Galloway – South West Scotland

Jessica Fox || A Celebration of the Life and Works of LM Montgomery

ReadingLasses ReadingLasses, 17 South Main Street, Wigtown

“That is one good thing about this world...there are always sure to be more Springs.” Lucy Maud Montgomery. LM Montgomery is probably most famous for creating Anne of Green Gables but she was a prolific writer, expressing her love of life, nature and beauty in her novels, short stories, poems and journals, many of which […]


Kriss Nichol || Wigtown Women’s Walk

ReadingLasses ReadingLasses, 17 South Main Street, Wigtown

Wigtown is a remarkable place and that is reflected in its history and the remarkable women who have come from the town. In 2010 a group of women worked with the local community to unearth and present the stories of these women, devising a history walk, producing two anthologies of poetry and prose to commemorate […]


Gail McGarva || The Story Boat

ReadingLasses ReadingLasses, 17 South Main Street, Wigtown

Boat builder, storyteller and keeper of memories brings The Story Boat to ReadingLasses Garden for Spring Weekend. Here she tells the story of its creation.
